Three.  They say things happen in threes.  For some reason I’ve only ever heard ‘them’ say this about the not so good stuff.  The bad luck if you will.  You know, when you stub your toe and then you break a glass…’they’ say…what’s next?  What’s the third thing that can go wrong.  I’m going to start looking at it from the other side.  The ‘what can go right’ side.  But before I do that..I want to share my story of THREE.

Earlier this year my uncle died.  My mom’s brother.  My aunt’s husband.  My cousins’ father.  My second cousins’ grandfather.  He lost his battle with cancer.  We all gathered to celebrate his life.  To mourn.  To take a break from everything to honour him.  His name was Gordon.

A week later, my grandfather died.  My dad’s dad.  My grandmother’s husband.  My uncle’s father.  My brother and my grandfather.  My daughters’ great-grandfather.  He lived a colourful life.  He lived to be 93.  He was ready to go.  He died in my grandmother’s arms.  We all gathered to celebrate his life.  To mourn.  To take a break from everything to honour him.  His name was Melvin.

Yesterday, my uncle died.  My mom’s brother-in-law.  My aunt’s husband.  My cousin’s father.  My cousin’s grandfather.  My daughters’ great-uncle.  He lived a purposeful life.  He built homes.  He fulfilled dreams.  He lost his battle with cancer.  One day, we will all gather to celebrate his life.  To mourn.  To take a break from everything to honour him.  His name was Bob.

And today, today I ache for my aunt.  Today I am grateful for the memories I have.  Today I will squeeze my own husband a little harder and a little longer.  Today I will make decisions that light me up.  That bring me closer to freedom.  Today I accept what is and surrender to what will be..filled with faith that the Universe has my back.  Today I will cherish today.  And pray that that thing ‘they’ say about THREE is true.  That I have experienced all the death for this year.  Today I will start looking for GOODNESS in threes.

I share this not looking for pity…or support even.  I share this because life is short.  We get one lifetime with our given name.  One lifetime to be someone to someone.  To be whatever we want to be.  The way we show up is up to us.  I’ve spent a lot of time hearing but not listening to the whispers of something more.  The whispers of doing something for myself…so that I can be the BEST me…the best wife…the best momma…the best daughter…the best sister…the best friend.  I’m done hearing…now I’m listening.  NOW I am in a relationship with the whisper.  Welcoming it and allowing it to guide me.

My wish for you is that you take a break from everything to honour yourself…NOW.  Listen to your own whisper.  I have no doubt you’ll experience something wonderful.

Until next time, I choose to live with compassion…passion…intention and LOVE.


B ❤

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